Learn How To Interview Like A Pro
You’re searching for a new nursing position. If you’re like most nurses, you are a sending out resumes and applying for jobs online. But what happens when you get called for an interview? Do you know what to say? Do you know how to represent yourself powerfully? Do you know what to say that will set you apart almost immediately from the other applicants?
As the saying goes, the job goes to the best interviewee, not necessarily the best candidate.
While you are on your journey of career change, make sure you arm yourself with knowledge to market yourself well during the interview. Don’t waste time applying if you are not even ready to interview.
Interviews are not as intimidating as you think
You just need to know what hiring managers and recruiters are looking for. This is definitely the stuff nobody teaches you in nursing school.
This FREE guide covers what to say and do:
- Before the interview. You are going to find out exactly what to do pre interview that will totally set you apart from other applicants from the start of the interview.
- During the interview. The dreaded “what are your strengths” & “tell us about yourself” questions. You are going to find out exactly how to answer these questions with confidence. No more stumbling and rambling an answer that you “think” sounds good.
- After the interview. How to follow up. This is where most applicants fall short. This report will show you exactly how to make yourself stand out by following up effectively after the interview.
Hi Alicia-joy, I wanted to tell you about a recent interview I went on for a job. When I have been to interviews in the past, I am usually very nervous. But this time, I had prepared by reading your report twice and I didn’t feel nervous. I felt so ready for the interview that I surprised myself. I felt ready for every question they asked me and the whole interview was easier than any I had been to before. Thank you for preparing this great report – Jonia Odenier, LPN Sunrise, FL
Plus, I have added a few bonus sections:
- Interview tips for the new graduate nurse
- Interview tips for nurses applying to a different unit/specialty job
- A transcript of an interview I did with a Nursing Director who has interviewed countless applicants over her nursing career. She shares exactly what nurse managers are looking for when interviewing.
To get your hot little hands on your own Ultimate Guide For Rockin’ Nursing Job Interviews just enter your name and email address below. That’s it! It’s 100% Free. It’s my gift to you. Grab yours now!