Up-level your career, your income, your life

Remember when you actually looked forward to going to work? Sick of going to a job you no longer enjoy? If you don’t enjoy your work, it’s time for a C H A N G E.  Figure out what you really want to do. Make a plan. Start taking smart action steps.

Do something smart. Do something now. DO…..SOMETHING.

My goal: to help you stop whining about your nursing job, and actually do something instead! Don’t get offended. I’ve been there. When you hate your job, you find yourself whining about it. A LOT! But here’s the thing……There are so many options within nursing. And options outside of nursing, if that’s what you really want. My job is to help you get your butt in gear, and get from where you are (sick of your current work), to where you want to be (doing work you enjoy). Are you ready?

Get your free Transition Kit: I created this kit of goodies (AKA information, inspiration & resources) to help you transition to work you actually enjoy. What’s in the kit?

  • Nursing Interview Report – Find out what recruiters and hiring managers want to hear from you during your next interview
  • Audio- How to network for a better nursing job
  • Audio- For those considering leaving nursing – what to do next
  • Plus a few other bonuses to help you make that positive change in your career

“Hi Alicia-joy, I wanted to tell you about a recent interview I went on for a job. When I have been to interviews in the past, I am usually very nervous. But this time, I had prepared by reading your report twice and I didn’t feel nervous. I felt so ready for the interview that I surprised myself. I felt ready for every question they asked me and the whole interview was easier than any I had been to before. Thank you for preparing this great report” – Jonia Odenier, LPN Sunrise, FL

Enter your name & email address below to get your Transition Kit now.

“I read your blog after I resigned from my job. I had been a staff nurse at the same hospital for 6 years.. I was soooo stagnant in my career that I began to give up. I knew that I had leadership potential and was an excellent nurse. I read your blog and began applying those interview techniques and believing  in myself that I was both capable and qualified! I left in Oct. 2012 and today I am now a Clinical Nurse Manager!! Yay Me !!!Thank You!! This is a wonderful site and you truly inspire others to be their best!!!”- LaReshea, Clinical Nurse Mgr, DC, USA

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