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Meet Nurse Writer Kimberly Ward

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Nurse & Author Kimberly ‘Raqui’ Ward BSN RN. Kimberly is passionate about helping nurses to become aware of the various nuances, challenges, and opportunities the nursing career offers.

Kimberly is a Public Health Nurse and Nursepreneur. When she’s not working you can find her writing on all things nursing career, marriage, family, friends, and faith related.  She lives with her husband in Sunny, FL and is already working on her next book: fiction! 

1. You are a nurse & an author. Is that correct?

Yes. I am a Public Health Nurse, Entrepreneur, and Writer.

2. What is your current nursing specialty?

My Public Health Nursing experiences range from Women’s Health nursing to home visiting. Currently I work for a regulatory agency.

3. You recently published a book, correct? What is the Title?

Yes. On October 3, 2013 I published my debut publication “What They Didn’t Teach You Or I In Nursing School : Lessons Learned Outside The Classroom.”

4. What is the book about?

What They Didn’t Teach You Or I In Nursing School: Lessons Learned Outside the Classroom provides insight and practical suggestions to topics like career navigation, negotiation, and recognition of the need for self-care and the real threat of burnout. While in school we did learn the basic such as  assessments, care plans, and discharge procedures; I found guidance regarding following a less traditional path in nursing and navigating it successfully lacking .

5. What made you decide to write this book? Why is this topic so important to you?

I wanted to give voice to those who are lost and struggling through nursing school. Those unsure of their niche because I felt that way before until I realized and embraced the lessons I provide in the book..

6. Who does this book help? Who should buy it?

What They Didn’t Teach You Or I In Nursing School: Lessons Learned Outside the Classroom helps anyone effected by nursing from patients to caregivers. We can all benefit from a message of hope and encouragement.

7. How was the book writing and publishing process?

Writing the book was easy. I knew what I felt God was giving me to say and how to say it. The publishing was a bit more challenging because it was my first work utilizing the CreateSpace platform. CreateSpace allows me to remain in control of my book while still giving me access to professionals when I need it.

8. What was the most challenging aspect?

The most challenging part was to not keep editing. A writer’s work is never done!

9. What has been the most rewarding aspect?

Seeing people from all walks of life purchasing my book and resonating with the overall message of hope, encouragement, and inspiration in their professional and personal careers. One reader said “all you need is God and this book” and “Get the book.” Another reader said “ I got my books in! Congrats again Reggie Ward (tell Kim). Everyone needs to go out and buy them…some of it relates to all career fields.”

10. For other nurses who are thinking about publishing a book, any words of wisdom/advice?

Do it! Once you have decided don’t wait. The time is now the world is waiting for what you have to say!

Also do your research to make sure your concepts new and unexpected, trust your instincts, and seek guidance from someone you admire that has published before. All these are keys to book success.

11. If you had to do it all over again, is there anything you would do differently?

Published sooner.

12. What’s up next for you career-wise? Anymore books? Anything else you would like to share?

On March 1 I will be doing a book signing at my Alma Maters nursing school’s entrepreneurial themed  reunion. I’m also working on the next book in my Nurse Life Lessons series and a work of fiction.

Find out more here: March 1 event

13. Where can people find your book? 

Book Purchasing:

Barnes and Noble

14. Where can people find out more about you or get in touch?

You can connect with her on Twitter: @RaquiWard, her blog: http://horizions.blogspot.com/, LinkedIn: Kimberly R. Ward or email her at raquiwardrn@gmail.com. She loves hearing from you.

Kimberly “Raqui” Ward BSN RN

Published Author: What They Didn’t Teach You Or I In Nursing School: Lessons Learned Outside The Classroom. Released 10/3/13

Author: New Beginnings Blog

LinkedIn: Kimberly R. Ward
Twitter: @RaquiWard

Email: raquiwardrn@gmail.com

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One Response to Meet Nurse Writer Kimberly Ward

  1. Great post, Alicia-joy. Raqui’s writing is so good and this book is a tool that every new nurse or nursing student must check out. I love how authentic she is as I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to her over the phone, too. What a heart-centered person who loves what she does and has a desire to help. Great interview, thank you!

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