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Self Care Tip: Cherish Your Friends

Self Care Tip: Cherish Your Friends

This week’s self-care tip is to cherish your friends. We all have people in our lives who have been there with us through the good and the bad. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily grind that we forget to appreciate and cherish friends like this. But cherishing these friends makes your friendship stronger and is a fantastic reminder to yourself of the support you have in your life.

Take some time to enjoy your friendships. Schedule some face time. And I am not talking about the iPhone App called face time. I am talking about actual face to face time. With the prevalence of technology, it is easy to get consumed in the world of digital hangouts, text messages, and video chat. But real in-person connections can never be replaced by technology. If your friends are local, use that to your advantage and set aside time to do something interesting this week. If they are not local, then of course, use technology to connect. It’s your best option. Perhaps you can scheduled a Google hangout or Skype call. Or even better yet, make plans to see each other. That may just be motivation to take a trip someplace.

The point is to find time to really cherish your friendships this week. Let them know that you appreciate them. If you cannot connect in person, maybe send them a card or make some other relevant gesture that they would appreciate.Be grateful for them, enjoy them, and watch your relationships grow.

For more self care tips, see the self care tip page here.

Also, friend and fellow nurse blogger Keith Carlson offers care coaching and other tips and advice about caring for yourself. You can find out more by clicking here.

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One Response to Self Care Tip: Cherish Your Friends

  1. Thank you for the kind mention of my coaching services and a link to my website, Alicia! That is very kind! For any of your readers, I’m offering 10% off of any coaching package if you contact me and mention Alicia’s name! Happy Holidays! http://nursekeith.com

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