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End Your Guilt; Give Yourself Permission to Explore Other Interests – Podcast #03

End Your Guilt; Give Yourself Permission to Explore Other Interests – Podcast #03

Hey Transitioner,

Today’s podcast audio recording is all about ending your guilt. If you are a nurse who is not happy with your job, and you have decided to explore other specialties, or even another career, then chances are you  feel guilty at times for wanting a change. This is a phenomena that is unique to professions like nursing.

We are almost made to feel as if we should be “content” with our profession and not complain. Wanting something else is almost a cardinal, selfish, sin.

Well I am here today to tell you that is hogwash.

Doing what you do not enjoy doing is not honorable. Especially if there are choices. We are not talking about life or death situations or emergent issues. I am talking about exploring your options. Exploring the many wonderful possibilities within (and even without) nursing.

You are not a martyr, here to sacrifice who you were born to be just because your current area of nursing is “stable” (whatever that means). You are here to shine. You are here to find the things that light you up, engage you, fit with your values and your lifestyle, and that make you feel darn good (at least most of the time).

This is not selfish. In fact you will be giving a whole lot more than when you continue doing something you do not like. You will be giving more to yourself, your family, you patients, your employer, everyone.

Have you ever noticed how dissatisfaction at work easily spills over into your home life?

On the flip side, have you ever known someone who truly loves what they do? Watch that person at home, and in other situations outside of work. They usually SHINE!!

Click play below to listen to the insights on this, and stop feeling guilty. TODAY!

Then leave me a comment below sharing what you gained from the audio recording.

In the audio I mention the book I am writing specifically for nurses who are feeling disgruntled who want to make positive changes in what they do. If that is you, sign up for the newsletter in the right hand column, where the orange writing says “sign up”. Subscribers to the newsletter receive updates on new products and programs that I create to help you make smart career transitions.

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2 Responses to End Your Guilt; Give Yourself Permission to Explore Other Interests – Podcast #03

  1. Cara says:

    Alicia, you are so right about how the management takes advantage of the economy. I have been dwelling on it, but I won’t, as you suggest. When I get panicky, I am going to focus on the good bits of my work but make my plan for leaving. I HAVE to leave, but I HAVE to deal with it for a little while longer while I make my plan. I am holding things together because of your wise advice. I’ve signed up for a free half hour consult with you and I am looking forward to getting started with the process of finding the right spot for me. I need help!

    Thanks for doing what you are doing. You really are letting your light shine!

    • Alicia-Joy says:

      Hi Cara,

      Glad you have made a decision about a situation you no longer want to be in; and I am honored to help you. Looking forward to your call with me later this week.

      Talk then,


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