Welcome to Transitions in Nursing. I am Alicia-Joy Pierre, RN and I am the founder of this website.
The purpose of this website is to help nurses deal with changes in nursing. Changes in the field itself and changes in your career.
Most of the tips, updates, and resources I provide are for finding and landing a job that you will finally enjoy.
Why did I create this website?
As a nurse, I held several different positions (from med/surg to home health to case management to nursing informatics). I was searching for one that I would enjoy. I learned a lot in each of my experiences and found some aspects rewarding.
Nevertheless, I transitioned to entrepreneurship over the last 2 years and then finally quit my job all together and I now work full time on my business. And I am loving it!
Now I write, speak, and coach nurses on how to handle transitions with ease. (whether to different specialities/units/facilities or entrepreneurship).
I am trained in career coaching, copywriting and business coaching.
At the root of why I do this is because I see so many nurses who are miserable in their positions. I want to literally scream out that it doesn’t have to be that way. You CAN find work that you enjoy or help fight for positive nursing change. In fact, I believe that you MUST.
Spending the greater part of your waking hours doing something that you do not like is a disservice to yourself, your patients, your coworkers, and YES your family.
There are ways to make financially and emotionally SMART transitions to a career or job you will enjoy.
If you are interested in making a smart transition, you should sign up for the free newsletter. Please only sign up if you are serious. If you want to complain about your nursing job for the rest of your working life, and never do anything about it, then this newsletter AND this website is not for YOU.
I help serious nurses who are ready for change.
The email newsletter is called ‘Transitions’ and is delivered right to your email inbox every Tuesday. It has tips, insights, and updates on making a smart career change.
It is totally free to sign up. Just enter your name and email address below.
If you are interested in nurse entrepreneurship click here: http://mynursingbusiness.com/